“Our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think” — Ephesians 3:20
This verse has been the song of my heart these past fourteen weeks as the Lord has done abundantly and unexpectedly more than I ever could have imagined.
I wanted to share an update because I realize how late this post is, and because He deserves all the glory and honor for the story I am about to share with you!
Oh, what shall I do?
My senior year of high school was quite the ride. I was struggling with a difficult and exhausting health issue and afraid of the unknown future looming before me, as I tried to make plans, but watched them continue to change and dissolve.
I knew God would direct me and had a good plan for my life, but it was so frustrating to have such a foggy view of the future and to feel so out of control and helpless.
Then, in May this year, my sisters, mom, and I visited some family in Illinois and my uncle took us to tour Crossway where he works (which happened to be my favorite book publisher, so I was thrilled!)
We began to discuss the idea of a potential internship with my uncle and step by step, it seemed to become more of a reality. Then after much deliberation and second-guessing whether I should go through with it, my uncle gave the green light and I packed my bags and took off for Illinois in early September!
Will I trust, even if...?
I started my internship on the Crossway sales team and instantly fell in love with the people and the work environment. I gained new experiences in different departments, developed friendships, and began attending a wonderful church!
The weeks started flying by and I realized that I did not want to leave Crossway. I watched how the employees treated each other and their love for the Lord and desire to see the Gospel spread across the world through their books and Bibles and I desperately wanted to be a part of it.
I applied for a job in Customer service and was also trying to figure out potential housing situations, which was stressful as there weren't many options. The fear was overwhelming at times because I couldn't see the future and it was difficult to wait knowing God's answer might be no even though I was becoming so hopeful.
A Girl and Her Umbrella
One day in my Charles Spurgeon devotional, The Promises of God, I read:
"Although the Lord may not appear for us in the way we expect, or desire, or suppose, yet He will in some way or other provide for us. Today let us look out for answers to prayer. Like the child who went to a meeting to pray for rain and took an umbrella with her, so let us truly and practically expect the Lord to bless us. Let us make the valley full of ditches and expect to see them filled."
My waiting wasn't in vain or worthless and no matter what happened, it was going to be okay. I could expect and ask big things of God and whether He chose to do them was up to Him and I could rest in that.
The Edge of the Red Sea
And praise be to God, in this season of my life because of His incredible mercy and kindness, His answer was yes.
In early November I was offered a job in Inside Sales and found a wonderful housing situation in two days. There I was standing at the edge of the Red Sea, fearful and scared, and all of a sudden the waters split in two and I could walk through, and how I marveled and rejoiced!
I have been greatly enjoying my new job and living in a different state, yet not without struggles, and adjustments, and yet the Lord's faithfulness continues to sustain me.
Because of this very busy season in my life, I will be taking some time off from posting articles, but look forward to writing again once things slow down for me:)
In Every Season
This Christmas I am rejoicing in recalling God's provision and how He orchestrated so many small details for this story to have ended in such a way. Yet seasons and times of sorrow and grief still come and have been a part of this story for me as well. The waiting and the longing won't ever come to an end for good until Jesus makes all things new.
While the rest of the world has only Santa, gifts and eggnog to enjoy, we have a precious Savior who loved us enough to come down from an adoring host of angels to give us the gift of eternal life with Him forever.
So whether you are rejoicing and eager to celebrate or your heart is heavy with grief, I pray this Christmas you can sing with longing and hope:
"Come, Thou long-expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free
From our fears and sins release us
Let us find our rest in Thee.
"Israel's strength and consolation
hope of all the earth, Thou art
dear desire of every nation
joy of every longing heart."
(Come Thou Long Expected Jesus by Charles Wesley, 1744).